Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Walking on Niagara Falls & My Brush With Death

niagra falls liveLook, Niagara Falls once froze over long enough for people to actually walk on it.
I was on the Maid of the Mist there some years ago and I put my arms inside the plastic cape they gave me because I was cold, the boat spun around and so did my cape which then proceeded to suffocate me as my hands were trapped inside and the hood was covering my face. The thought of dying in a nasty blue plastic cape did not appeal, what a way to go!
I pushed and shoved Harvey and the kids to help me but they just thought I was stumbling. Eventually the boat spun around again and the wind blew into the back of the hood and here I am to to tell the tale.
If you want anymore info on Niagara this site is very informative, although they don't mention my little incident anywhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, sorry about your accident there... I guess it can be dangerous.