Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back & Rested

meditating lady

Oh yes, I'm pretty much rested after the long break but I did keep my hand in and find some new stuff for you.
Today I am getting over New Year's Day. The locals around here go from farm to house, to another house and another and so on........ All very civilised as we started the day with huge amounts of bacon and sausage sandwiches at a local farmhouse and then on to the local pub and from there to various houses in the village and beyond. I lasted until 7.30pm and with 3 houses to go, had to admit I was bushed.
Today, I have no hangover but my stomach needs a bit of a rest.
Tomorrow I will have to get my finger out and finish some pieces of Ghost Furniture as we are due to launch at the end of January 2007.
My New Year's resolution is to go and meditate whenever I get stressed. After writing this I think I had better go and do a stint now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you Di, sounds like a lovely way to celebrate the start of a year. Very traditional and friendly. Wish you all the best in your furniture launch.