Thursday, December 14, 2006

New Stuff From The Lazy Environmentalist

the lazy environmentalist Three Christmas birds
the lazy environmentalist Rose of Love

The new products from The Lazy Environmentalist are lovely. The Red Rose is from Luisa Cotardo. Luisa originates from Lecce, a small town in the southernmost area of Puglia, where a diminishing and elderly population to this day create Catholic effigies using the ancient craft of Cartapesta Leccese.

An intricate process, Cartapesta was originally developed for creating church statuary and architectural detail. It was there that she was taught by some of their most renowned teachers. That was taken from their site, I can't write like that.
The Little Birds are made from off cuts of ties made in Jermyn Street, London and they are only £9 for 3. How posh!

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