Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Inspiration and How To Find It - No 2 - It's All In The Translation

inspiration di overton designers block

This picture of Tuscany in the evening sun shows the fabulous golden light that hits their landscape at the end of each sunny day. You will have seen these colours in much Italian Renaissance art and in the textiles they used.

It is no more difficult for you to translate those colours into say a bathroom colour scheme.
The Tuscan scene is predominently Gold and Dark Green with lighter shades where the sun is hitting.
Just think about a place or landscape that you really love, look at its predominant colours and off you go.
It works believe me, I've been doing it for years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the beautiful Tuscany scenery, hope to visit one day. I bet Cézanne was inspired by such beauty.