Thursday, December 14, 2006

THE BEST Fashion Illustrator I Have Ever Seen

sophie griotto illustratorWhen I'm out there, on the web looking for stuff to bring to this blog, I invariably have folders for 7 days hence and tuck the stuff into the last folder. In the case of these little gems I couldn't wait that long. I just had to show them off. I was in the fashion business for years and I saw more than my fair share of illustrations. These are by far THE BEST I have ever seen. Sophie Griotto has a site packed to the gunnels with fantastic fashion illustrations. Via Criterion.
Go see them.


Anonymous said...

Her work is beautiful, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Yes thank you for the link, her work is really cool.
But for me, the best fashion illustrator I know is Oscar y Astiz.
His work is crazy.