Tobias Wong is a fascinating designer. I'm never quite sure whether his designs are serious or not. I suppose he is so famous he can afford to design something that doesn't have to go into production but just makes a statement. He doesn't even have a studio as he admits he just borrows space from galleries. Let me explain the designs I have featured:
The Glass Candlestick also has a glass candle - works with oil.
The chandelier is dipped in industrial white rubber.
The Mac is covered in fabric taken from an Issey Miyake Pleats Please dress.
The pearl earrings are dipped in industrial matte black rubber which is removable.
The collection of items in a row all have diamond encrustations somewhere strange (sorry but you will have to visit the site to see what I mean).
And finally the gift wrap - Andy Warhol prints ranging from $7,500 to $25,000 - WHAT?!
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