Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Blog You Must Read - Me And The Cat

If you never read another blog in you life read this one first. This lady is in her 70s and she is hilarious. She tells stories of her life in the 30s 40s and today and is so down to earth. We could all learn an awful lot from her. She used to work for the CIA and still can't talk about it but admits she stole their pens and stationery. She hates George Bush and even has a count down clock to the end of his presidency.
I want her to win Blog of the Century if there's any such thing. I can only wish I keep my sense of humour as she has if I am lucky enough to get to her age. Come on girls stop moaning and trying to be a man in a skirt and start to appreciate being a woman like this lady does Life isn't so bad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well my goodness! What a surprise I got browsing thru your blog. How nice of you to give me such a nice pat on the back. I like your pictures and all, so different....(I actually wouldn't mind a toaster you could see thru, if the bread started getting too dark one could fish it out before it got burned, right?)

Ummmm, did you by any chance happen to wander over to my home site "The Mousetrap" ?? Egads, there's lots and lots of foolishness over there, for sure!

I'm always fascinated with the thought of people dreaming up "stuff" no-one else would have thought of, eh? Is it a practical thing they're thinking of or just pure imagination?? I don't have a clue how anyone dreams up those things. haha