
Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Eley Kishimoto Celebrates Centre Point's Second Coming

Eley Kishimoto centre point
Using the architecture and 1960's heritage of Centre Point Eley Kishimoto, famous for its incisive and intelligent print design has developed a series of patterns for Almacantar, the owners of Centre Point. Inspired by the building they have created a one-off fashion range. The patterns will be used in Centre Point's new identity, this could be in the form of patterns and materials in interior and exterior applications.
Eley Kishimoto centre point
Almacantar's aim is to make Centre Point a landmark destination in London. As I can remember Centre Point being built back in 1966 I have an affinity with it and look forward to witnessing it's second coming.
Eley Kishimoto centre point

Eley Kishimoto centre point

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