
Monday, February 04, 2013

An Artisan Bakery As It Should Be - David Kennedy at Vallum

david kennedy at vallum
Genuine Artisan Bread
Finding an authentic Artisan Baker is almost impossible where I live but AT LAST there's one that does what it says on the tin. David Kennedy @Vallum is a shop/restaurant that has opened on the historic Military Road in Northumberland. Take a look at that table full of goodness. REAL BREAD!
david kennedy at vallum
Onion Bread
That table had a lot less on it when I left.

david kennedy at vallum
The patisserie was every bit as good as any I have seen in France and

david kennedy at vallum
Lemon Meringue - a work of art
it was not only full of traditional English goodies but
david kennedy at vallum
Moroccan Spiced Lamb Paties
innovative recipes from around the world.
david kennedy at vallum
Four Cheese Ciabatta

I love that their Onion Bread and 4 Cheese Ciabatta had the real McCoy on top. Everything I bought was delicious and the staff were knowledgeable and extremely proud of their products. To top it they have an amazing restaurant upstairs which serves inventive and delicious food AND THE VIEWS ARE TO DIE FOR.
david kennedy at vallum
Restaurant with a view

1 comment:

  1. You makes my mouth watering. I wish I can eat all of them. Such a lovely recipes.


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