
Monday, July 05, 2010

There's a Bluebird On My Shoulder................

ghost furniture at twitter
OK OK OK I know that on the 26th of March 2009 I said - Twitter Away I'm Not Playing - well I am a hypocrite because now I am Twittering. It, I have to admit, is a great business tool so if you want to follow me, and I promise I will not tell you when I am next on the toilet, repeat everything that's on this blog or anything else I don't like about Twitter then CLICK HERE or into that little blue thing in my sidebar under About Me.
I follow interesting people so if you think you are one then I may follow you.


  1. Pah! Turncoat!
    (just kidding - I understand its usefulness in a business context)
    Nice desk - love the paint you use.

  2. You and me both- just started tweeting though I still think it should be "twittering." Perhaps someday I"ll figure out the verb-switch!



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