
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

When The West Wind Doth Blow.........

Fishermans Coat The Shop Floor Project
 I know we're having an Indian Summer but there is no denying - Winter Is Coming. When I step outside my cottage on a crisp Winter's day the wind chill can feel like it's cutting you in two.

Fishermans Coat The Shop Floor Project
I have a full length Barbour Coat but from day one it has smelled of wax. It just never goes away.
Fishermans Coat The Shop Floor Project
Well I am officially sick of it and have found this little beauty at The Shop Floor Project. It's waxed just like my Barbour.
.Fishermans Coat The Shop Floor Project
The waxing stops the wind chill getting through and I also love the style. It's even got matching bags. Now which colour should I choose?
Fishermans Coat The Shop Floor Project

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