
Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Pinterest Page of Clever Stuff

A Pinterest Page of Clever Stuff
Vases from balloons and jars
Pinterest is a mind blowing website. There is nothing it doesn't feature, well within reason that is. I found this page by Cosas Curiosas a while ago and it has links to some fabulous DIY projects and ideas. Take a look for yourself as this is just a snippet.
A Pinterest Page of Clever Stuff
Tart up old jars

A Pinterest Page of Clever Stuff
from cans to plant pots

A Pinterest Page of Clever Stuff
Pom pom bookmarks

A Pinterest Page of Clever Stuff
Tiny coat hangers from paper clips

A Pinterest Page of Clever Stuff
Black storage cans

A Pinterest Page of Clever Stuff
Knitted Bow

A Pinterest Page of Clever Stuff
World map egg

A Pinterest Page of Clever Stuff
Captioned balloons

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