
Friday, March 07, 2014

Plated Stores - Get a Hanky to Wipe The Drool

Plated Stores
I don't know about you but I a only tempted by recipes if they have a great picture with them. My lovely blogging friend Ilva Beretta lives in Lucca, Tuscany and along with Jamie Schler writes Plated Stories. Ilva and Jamie create the recipes and Ilvaa does the photography whilst Jamie writes them up in the most entertaining way imaginable. Jamie is a well published journalist who writes for numerous publications. Ilva is the best photographer out there and her recipes make me drool, did you get that hanky I sugested? You'll need it when you visit Plated Stories.
Plated Stores

Plated Stores

Plated Stores

Plated Stores

Plated Stores

Plated Stores

Plated Stores

Plated Stores


  1. Thank you Di, this is such a wonderful writeup - you are among many other things generosity personified!
    (ps. Jamie creates half of the recipes,we take turns!)

  2. Ooh sorry Jamie I have just put that right xx

  3. Thank you so very much, Di! This is wonderful and is what motivates and inspires us to keep working and creating. You are absolutely right that Ilva is the best photographer out there and it is such an honor and privilege to work with her. Thank you!

  4. Ah Ha - just received your lovely blog post in my Email! These are just stunning photos - I am off to share them :)

  5. This isn't food photography, it is art.

  6. What a delicious start to my day. What gorgeous pictures. Drool now wiped.


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