
Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Imaginarium and Next Door in York

The Imaginarium
I have been absent for a couple of weeks due to some family issues but I am back after a short break to York. Having not visited for years I was excited to seewhat was new. I WAS THRILLED. I bought some amazing leathers on the market for Ghost Furniture and got the chance to visit The Imaginarium and it's sister shop The Yorkshire Soap Company. Go and make yourself a cuppa as this will take a while.
The Imaginarium
It's other worldly, even the staff are like characters from Alice in Wonderland.
The Imaginarium
The displays are innovative to the extreme.
The Imaginarium
Not sure what this represents but it's pretty impressive and huge.
The Imaginarium
More of those innovative displays
The Imaginarium
It said Abigail Ahern to me as soon as I stepped in the door, wasn't sure if I wasn't in Islington and there was one of her fabulous lamps sitting on the reception desk.
The Imaginarium
Mr Finch, who I have featured here before, has been busy making some fabulous fabric toadstools specially for The Imaginarium,
The Imaginarium
my favourite was this black one.
The Imaginarium
 Another one of my previous posts was about Vinegar and Brown Paper who etch glass in a clever and very distinctive way
The Imaginarium
all done with their inimitable sense of humour.
The Imaginarium
The fireplace was full to bursting.
The Imaginarium
Elegant hands come out of the wall holding beautiful scarves out for your approval.

The Imaginarium
Wacky but totally adoreable soft toys sit on the floor.
The Imaginarium
Colurful and totally elegant pots and cans fill the shelves. All in all my senses were in overload by the time I left but
The Yorkshire Soap Company
it wasn't all over as I stepped out into the rain little bubbles were surrounding me, coming from above the door of the shop next door.
The Yorkshire Soap Company
The Yorkshire Soap Company doesn't sound as though it's going to be much fun but IT IS. A huge shop full of butler's sinks sitting on old sewing machine tables are full of soap flakes. Every soap is presented to you as a pudding, cupcake or a slice of cake all beautifully decorted.
The Yorkshire Soap Company
 It was like being in a perfumed patisserie in Paris. I know te sign says No Photos but I got special dispensation. I could go on and on but what I would suggest is that you VISIT. There is so much more North of Watford Gap you know and I hope this post proves it.
The Yorkshire Soap Company


  1. This is beautiful, I'd make a special trip to York for the pleasure of visiting these stores..and Betty's tea rooms of course.

  2. I was in York yesterday & chanced upon The Imaginarium. What a wonderful surprise & experience! As you say, truly a feast for the senses. I highly recommend a visit as words fail to do The Imaginarium justice.


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