
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Rebecca Wilson - Playing With Ceramics

Rebecca Wilson Ceramics
Sugar Tongs but not as we know them
This is not the first time I have featured Rebecca Wilson's ceramics. Back in 2011 and 2012 she blew me away with her designs. You take a look at her creations and I'm sure you will agree with me that she is hugely talented. Now she is back with some wonderful new designs and clever additions such as crochet and hand beading.
In Rebecca's words "Sugar free, fat free, but completely indulgent. Can you be tempted? Go on, you know you want to!"
Rebecca Wilson Ceramics
Bite Me - so much detail

Rebecca Wilson Ceramics
Blow Me - powder puff
Rebecca Wilson Ceramics
Blue Over You - small construction

Rebecca Wilson Ceramics
Eat Me Keep Me plate

Rebecca Wilson Ceramics
Bakewell Tart earrings
Rebecca Wilson Ceramics
Pair Tart

Rebecca Wilson Ceramics
A Necklace good enough to eat

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