
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Elena Dawson - Why So Secretive?

Elena Dawson fashion and shoes
Elena Dawson is a London born fashion designer for both men and women. In her words - “I don’t like to overplan a collection and prefer it to remain at the idea stage. I don’t want to explain it to myself, to be too self-conscious of what I make when I’m making it” whatever her plans the results and other worldly, timeless and really do appeal to my eclectic taste.
Elena Dawson fashion and shoes
However it is quite hard to find out much about this designer as her website has a link to her email and her blog which has loads of images of her designs. Elusive!!!
Elena Dawson fashion and shoes

Elena Dawson fashion and shoes

Elena Dawson fashion and shoes

Elena Dawson fashion and shoes

Elena Dawson fashion and shoes

Elena Dawson fashion and shoes

Elena Dawson fashion and shoes

Elena Dawson fashion and shoes


  1. It reminds me of Egg in Knightsbridge, which is shrouded in an air of in-clubbishness. Sort of 'if you don't know about it, you don't deserve to' (though when you finally make a pilgrimage there they are absolutely delightful). The shame with this designer is that I really like the things you've posted here and wish there was a website I could go to and have a look.

  2. You are so right. I visited Egg to do a blog post about them, met the owner who was fabulous and they are still hiding. Maybe they have got their work balance right, who knows

  3. Anonymous7:04 pm

    There are a couple of interviews with her online in which she talks about her grandmother as her greatest inspiration. It's as revealing as you will get about her art. I like that she guards her privacy and lets her clothes do all the talking, there is allure in mystique. She is a designer like no other and as a sewer I have begun to embrace the unfinished, raw edge of making clothes.


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