
Friday, June 14, 2013

Little Black Book - Rockett St George

 Little Black Book - Rockett St George
Back in 2007 I was contacted by the girls at Rockett St George asking for a bit of advice about their new website. I had just sold wheredidyoubuythat.com to Bodie and Fou and was more than happy to help them as I totally loved what they were doing.
Little Black Book - Rockett St George
I remember one of my bits of advice was not to have a black background on their site. Well needless to say they didn't take that advice and even I am pleased they didn't. Black is their look and now it has come into its own in the form of their first catalogue - Little Black Book.
Little Black Book - Rockett St George
I receive catalogues every day, one of the perks or pitfalls of being a blogger, whichever way you look at it. This catalogue was not going to go straight in the bin for 3 reasons
Little Black Book - Rockett St George
1. It's called Little Black Book which immediately says CHIC
2. It was from Rockett St George and I am a fan
3. It is full of the most inspirational photographs and quirky products.
Little Black Book - Rockett St George
So girls, go on not taking my advice you're doing a great job.
Little Black Book - Rockett St George

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the lovely post. I have to say we wouldn't be where we are now without all the fantastic advice you gave us at the start. We will always be grateful for the time you spent helping us.


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