
Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Grey Interiors - Pointing You In The Right Direction

Grey Interiors
There is an unbelievable amount of magazine articles and blog posts around at the moment extoling the virtues of decorating in White, Black or Grey. All a bit monochrome methinks but used in the right light it can be stunning, LIGHT being the operative word. Scandinavian design tends to lean towards this palette but the light in that country is NOT like the light here.
I will not rant on anymore I will just advise you to visit the wonderful blog of Kate Watson-Smyth, Mad About The House.
Grey Interiors
Today she is using her inner compass to advise on what shade of grey to use in your home by considering which direction your room faces. Bloody genius I say. I love her humour which never fails to make me laugh out loud. This makes her posts all the more interesting. She reckons that grey is so on-trend at the moment that she even bought a grey kitten recently.
Grey Interiors
Oh and just to prove I know her advice to be sound, this is my West facing kitchen which is, surprise surprise Grey.

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