
Monday, March 18, 2013

It's That Time Again - Off To Paris

off to paris
As most of you will already know we visit Paris on a regular basis. Not only to buy Ghost Furniture pieces at the brocantes but more importantly
off to paris
 to visit our daughter and her little family. Charlotte has started a street food business selling fish and chips and British food to the French and Brits alike. This is proving hugely popular and I have been given the unenviable job of applying livery to her trailer.
the pauper's kitchen
The Pauper's Kitchen is the name she has given her business and you can't miss the fact that it's British due to the logo her Dad designed for her.
the pauper's kitchen
Here's the trailer naked, next week I shall show you it dressed.

off to paris
Sadly it wll be our little French grandaughter Tiana's 2nd birthday 2 days after we come home but I am sure she will not realise.
vintage handles
 We are flying this time so no big items to bring home and no driving. We are seeking out smaller items for our More Than 1 Available range that we are going to launch very soon.

french raw wood
Raw wood and vintage handles come into the mix and where could be a better place to find these than Paris.
ultramod paris
Fabulous vintage trimmings are also needed for a range of lighting that we are due to launch and I love nothing better than mooching around places like Ultramod in the 2nd district of Paris.

I will be posting live from Paris via this blog and my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages so prepare for a treat in the coming week.


  1. Wishing you loads of fun finding French tresor! Your daughter and her family looks lovely, looking forward see the trailer all done!
    Greetings from Afrique du Sud

  2. Thanks so much. I just hope I can get that livery on straight :)


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