
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Come With Me To a Parisian Brocante

Come With Me To a Parisian Brocante
So first things first, you have to look cool to go to the brocante and my little French granddaughter, Tiana, looked cool enough I think.
Come With Me To a Parisian Brocante

The brocante was in one of my favourite places, a village outside Paris. People empty their attics and clear their garages and bring out some amazing things that I want and they dont.

Come With Me To a Parisian Brocante
I love that people set their stalls up outside their homes so they can nip inside, warm up and get a coffee whenever they choose.
Come With Me To a Parisian Brocante
As is the case in France dogs take part as well as humans. This one put me off looking on the stall as it looked far from friendly.

Come With Me To a Parisian Brocante
Tiana takes things very seriously at the brocante. She is remarkably good whenever we take her. Maybe it's all the colours and action.
Come With Me To a Parisian Brocante
This is the sort of thing the French sell at the brocante, heaven to me, hell to them.
Come With Me To a Parisian Brocante
 Dogs don't have to be real as most stalls have at least one toy dog sitting on them.

Come With Me To a Parisian Brocante

And this is some of what I came away with. Now to turn them into something totally new for Ghost Furniture.

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