
Friday, February 08, 2013

Being Spatially Challenged In My Cottage

Being Spatially Challenged In My Cottage
Living in a cottage can be a challenge as space is at a premium. My lounge (above) in my previous house was bigger than the ground floor of my cottage before it was extended. I had 13 rooms and oodles of storage space. 

Being Spatially Challenged In My Cottage
I now have cupboards in the first floor hallway
Being Spatially Challenged In My Cottage
One of them is even a laundry which contains my washing machine and tumble drier, inside them all the ceilings slope down making it even more of a challenge.
Being Spatially Challenged In My Cottage
I keep some of my Ghost Furniture paints behind these curtains in the guest bedroom.
Being Spatially Challenged In My Cottage
Our Summer or Winter clothes take turns in being stored in these vintage suitcases
Being Spatially Challenged In My Cottage
I have 4 deep drawers froma vintage dressing table, painted and used as book shelves.
Being Spatially Challenged In My Cottage
I even use the top of the pelmet in my bedroom for storing my Hermes scarves and old books
and  God kows what I would do without my huge leather ottoman that holds all our bed linens of which I have plenty.


  1. My mum's storage really does rock... Not sure why haven't enlisted you into our rabbit hutch house mind! X

  2. Hello, just come across your lovely site. Your cottage looks gorgeous - I love the natural wooden doors. I don't have a beautiful cottage, but space in my home is an issue. Your solutions are brilliant, so artistic, the suitcases are a real feature and i'd never have thought of using drawers as shelves, I also agree that ottomans are fab - stylish and 'useful'.


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