
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ghost Furniture - Behind The Scenes At Instagram

If you are as inquisitive as me then Instagram should be right up your street. We have set up an Instagram page so you can all see what goes on behind the scenes at Designers Block/Ghost Furniture.
ghost furniture at instagram
You will be able to see works in progress from start to finish, come with us on buying trips to the brocantes and flea markets of France, join us on day trips in the beautiful place I call home, see where we work and live and even see
ghost furniture at instagram
the sort of equipment we use to create and despatch our pieces
ghost furniture at instagram

I have placed an iPhone (my new aquisition) on the side bar for you to click through and see our Behind The Scenes gallery at Instagram. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Such fun to have a peek behind the scenes of your fabulous creations (and the creative process!). Longing to see you, H and your gorgeous cottage in all its renovated glory. xx


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