
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

There's a Hole In My Life

a flower for  best friend
On the 17th December I lost my best friend Liz to cancer. As I have said in the title There is a Hole In My Life. We had been life long friends, had been child brides and mothers together, shared problems and joys, laughed till we cried, even peed our pants on occasion we laughed so much. We holidayed together when the kids had flown the nest.
Liz was a florist and did the most amazing things with flowers, she would call them all by their Latin names which meant nothing to me but always made me laugh. Her voice on the phone always made my day and she would always start the conversation with - Hello Missus.
My children all loved her, she was always there and that was a comfort.
We shared such wonderful moments and that is never going to happen again. Liz played a big part in who I am, she never judged me even when I gave her good reason to, she was just there and now she isn't - There's a Hole In My Life.
Bye Missus xx


  1. I'm so sorry Di to hear this. I just wanted to stop in and wish you a Merry Christmas. Wishing you a lovely and relaxing holiday. Just scrolled through you latest posts--all such brilliant finds!

    xo Mary Jo

  2. What a moving tribute to someone who was obviously a very important part of your life. So sorry for your loss...

  3. I wish I knew what to say other than I am so sorry for your loss. take care of you.


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