
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Things You Can Do With a Babybel

I haven't met a kid yet that doesn't like Babybel, if only for opening them but these take on a whole new meaning. I am dying for the next grandchild's birthday party so I can try some.
Cute Food For Kids
Like cutting in half and sticking a straw end in them and even
Cute Food For Kids
make raindrops out of the cheese.
Cute Food For Kids
Great for a boy's party and even
Cute Food For Kids
for grown ups. Found at Cute Food For Kids


  1. Hi Di,
    Thank you so much for the link. Hope your readers like these Babybel ideas ^.^

  2. These are very lovely, but I have to ask why it is only a boy's party that has interesting cheese shapes. If it is because they do not come in pink, then I would like to question your stereotype.


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