
Friday, May 20, 2011

Hermes - How To Fold and Tie a Scarf

Hermes - How To Fold and Tie a Scarf
There was a time that you needed to have bought an Hermes scarf to obtain the book that taught you how to tie them. Now they have put their instructions online for the whole wide world. Well worth keeping.
Hermes - How To Fold and Tie a Scarf
Hermes - How To Fold and Tie a Scarf
Hermes - How To Fold and Tie a Scarf
Hermes - How To Fold and Tie a Scarf


  1. Thank you for this post, I add it to my favourites and will use some of the ways you showed

  2. Thanks Di. I'll print it and put it with the scarf collection. I revisited the clip that you posted from Liberty showing how to tie scarves.

  3. I have a Picture Post magazine from the war that tells you how to make a hat from a scarf in a dozen clever ways . . . scarves just never go out of fashion now do they?


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