
Thursday, October 07, 2010

Designers Block Goes To France

Bright and early this morning we will have set off for Paris. On the way we will be delivering Ghost Furniture to customers in
bluebell woods
Buckinghamshire, pity we aren't going in the bluebell season as this is the wood in the place we are going. Then onto London with another delivery and then to
herne bay beach huts
Herne Bay in Kent, famous for its coloured huts that line the beach, can,t wait to see them. We will stay there overnight, though not in a hut and on Saturday morning we will be
going a few miles up the road to Whitstable famous for its
whitstable oysters
oysters. If we have time on Friday evening I fully intend visiting
whitstable oyster company
this restaurant Whitstable Oyster Company. Then on to
kent and london
Kent and London, in Whitstable, to pick up a fabulous cabinet for Tara (Paris Parfait). No doubt she will be showing you it very soon, it's fabulous. From here we will motor to South Kent to
put the car on the train and pass through the Eurotunnel to France
french autumn
and on down to see
the paupers kitchen
Charlotte our daughter, she of The Paupers Kitchen which by the way is full of fabulous new recipes. I am sure the talk will be of
french babies
babies as she is expecting a little girl in February next year. My baby having a baby, how weird. Charlotte lives in the
brie cheese
Brie region of France just outside Paris which is fortuitous as I love Brie. Of course
antique stacked chairs
visits to brocantes and flea markets will also be on the bill to pick up pieces for Ghost Furniture. My favourite morning task is to go for
the bread - YUM! and another favourite thing to do is to
french market
visit the food markets full of stuff I haven't got a clue about but it is all so beautiful who cares. On Sunday we will be
tara bradford amsterdam
having lunch with the lovely Tara and her resident chef David at their apartment. Note to self - must remember to give her the cabinet. They will be moving to Amsterdam early next year and I am so going to miss my visits to her when I am in France in future.
Well au revoir everyone. I will be reporting back on a daily basis with lovely pictures (I am taking the good camera this time) and new finds.


  1. oh sush Di, you are making me feel sick!!!!

  2. Di , have a good trip . I hope one day you will go south

  3. Such a fun post. And speaking of fun, it was wonderful seeing you today! I can't thank you and H enough for bringing me that fabulous cabinet! Even the resident chef is quite taken with it. And we will still be seeing you lots, even after moving. Easy enough to hop on a train, after all. Maybe there will even be a day when we're not moving furniture back and forth! But doubtful there'll ever be a time when we're not looking for treasures at brocantes or flea markets. :) Love to you, H and C. xoxox

  4. I'm laughing my ass off what a great post, Di!!! :)
    thank you....xo


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