
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Defying The Eye

knitted wallpaper by kosiel france
Who would have the patience to knit a whole wall?
knitted wallpaper by kosiel france
Effective and beautiful as it looks it is a major task.
knitted wallpaper by kosiel france
The needles need to be huge let alone the size of the ball of wool but
knitted wallpaper by kosiel france
It's wallpaper. Another very clever idea from Koziel in France.
I have just taken delivery and have used some of their products on a restaurant renovation I have been working on and let me tell you they are one of the most efficient companies I have ever had the pleasure to deal with.

1 comment:

  1. My god, I am not into wallpaper at all (I know, the only one to buck the trend) but I could really see doing my little guest bathroom in the entry in this paper! LOVE!

    Hope you are well Di and I miss you and your blog! (had the flu the past 2 weeks).

    xoxo Mary Jo


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