
Tuesday, September 14, 2010


A couple of weeks ago I was stunned to be asked to be one of The Conran Shop's 'Well Considered Bloggers' and will be part of their new blog Conran Talking Shop Stunned due to the fact that Sir Terence Conran is one of my all time heroes then to top it all
conran talking shop blog
I was asked if I would like to interview him at a big Charity Auction being held in their Chelsea store on Thursday 16th September in aid of Centrepoint, so I am off to London in the morning to
terence conran
interview my hero. They will be auctioning or rather Helen Bonham-Carter will be auctioning furniture from their Classic Collection. The whole Conran family will be there and many other celebrities and little old me along with the other nine 'Well Deserved Boggers'.
So as not to waste a trip I will also be visiting
37 old london road
37 Old London Road, that shop made famous by Mary Portas, Queen of Shops and again I will be
dazzle and denny
interviewing the famous Dazzle and Denny. I can't wait to meet them and see their shop.
Then I am off to Bouf to interview
alex griffin bouf
Alex Griffin the founder of Now if that wasn't enough I have been asked by Mydeco to
ghost furniture lamps
exhibit my range of Ghost Lighting in the Global Industry Exhibition at Tom Dixon's - The Dock in Notting Hill during The London Design Festival. So if you want to see a Ghost in the flesh go along and take a look on the Mydeco stand.
So my friends I will be reporting back with lots of pictures as I intend to soak up as much as I can during the Festival. I am staying in Clerkenwell which is an ideal base for such an event.


  1. A design hero to so many of us Di.
    Massive influence on me back when I was a newlywed (ooh, long long ago)
    Have an excellent trip.

  2. yeah you are right. . .have a safe trip, enjoy and don't forget to take pics. I'll wait for that. Keep posted

  3. Di, how very exciting! I cannot wait to hear the details after!
    Have a great time!

    Art by Karena

  4. wow wow wow! LOVING your blog! I must follow you now! Do you love fashion? Ah, then my blog is perfect for you! Would love the support dear!


  5. Oh wow! HAve lots of fun and CONGRATS!

  6. Eeeek, my head is spinning. What a week. Of course we all want to know everything about it and when you have time tell me whether the lace stencil pictures arrived. xx

  7. Oh you lucky duck!! I adore the Conran's Paris shop on Rue de Bac. I am really looking forward to reading about your London visit!

  8. oh but that's fantastic! congratulations di, this sounds very exciting and is well deserved!

  9. Oh Di, how exciting! I am so proud of you!

    Are you sure you don't need me to come along and carry your bags and 10 microphones?!!

    Enjoy every moment and come back with many pictures and fun stories!

    Love, Mon

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  12. Lovely and exciting news! 'Wish i was in your shoes' is a huge understatement!!!

  13. Anonymous7:10 pm

    Hi Di, great news and fab that you'll get to check out Design Week as well as feature in it - I'll be sure to keep an eye out for your work in The Dock when I go! x
    PS never mind the 'C' word - I'm already shooting for spring/summer 2011 now!!!

  14. This fall is going to be your fall . Congratulations

  15. loving this blog,can I please ask who designed the spoons in your side bar under innovative design? Karen

  16. I love the front of that shop cute cute cuter. The lamps are delish.


  17. Karen
    Thanks for stopping by.
    The spoons in the sidebar are by Magie Hollingworth (I love her work). See more here


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