
Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Nearly Forgot - Our Home In Period Living

the home of Ghost Furniture
In the midst of delivering Ghost Furniture, visiting London, revamping a Restaurant etc. etc. I nearly forgot to post about the fact that our home was featured in the October issue of Period Living. It is not easy to show the feature at its best but here you go. Above The outside of my cottage with its fabulous views. DO CLICK TO ENLARGE FOR A BETTER LOOK
the home of Ghost Furniture
My kitchen with a table full of frames destined for Ghost Furniture.
the home of Ghost Furniture
My lounge and Harvey and I looking like the country bumpkins we are not.
the home of Ghost Furniture
My spiral staircase which is the centre piece of the home.
the home of Ghost Furniture
My bathroom and a little curiosity cabinet that sits at the top of my staircase.
Big thanks to Brent Darby for the fab photographs, Hazel Dolan for the wonderful words and not forgetting Period Living for plastering it on their Contents Page and even on the magazine's wrapper.
Off to paint more chairs and tables now - back tomorrow with some gems from The London Design Festival.


  1. Pictures not big enough so I'll just have to buy a copy :)
    Great feature - congratulations Di.

  2. congratulations . Your home looks fabulous


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