
Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Cress Heads - Polly George

cress heads by polly george
How cute are these? I have always been a big fan of Polly George, I used to sell her designs on when I owned it. These new items named Cress Heads are so quirky.
ceramics by polly george
Polly's presentation is always first class and
ceramics by polly george
I still remember her husband bring me one of her Cake Stands to display at The Home and Garden Fair. We filled it with little cakes by famous designers and it looked absolutely stunning.


  1. Polly's work is fab! I like those little heads and thanks for the email. ALL looks great Di!


  2. Dear Di,

    Good to be back after weeks (turned into months) of pure blog laziness.

    Those cress heads are hysterical!
    And the radiator clips I saw in another post of yours.

    How many times have I told you that you come up with the most witty and creative content!? Like a zillion times!

    Good to be back. Hope all is well.

    Love, Mon


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