
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Vintage Patisserie Cracks The Dragon's Den

the vintage patisserie the dragons den
I don't often watch The Dragon's Den as I usually end up hiding my head in a cushion with embarrassment but last night I took the risk and was delighted to see Angel or Angela as she called herself last night, of The Vintage Patisserie. Show wowed them and gave an entertaining presentation purely because she was herself.
the vintage patisserie the dragons den
She made me laugh out loud when asked if her Mother thought she would make a success of this and in reply said "well yes but she's my Mother so if I showed her a dancing brick she would say - oh yes that will work".
the vintage patisserie the dragons den
Angel got £100,000 from Theo Paphitis and Deborah Meaden. I have featured Angel here on Designers Block a couple of times - once when she invited me to her opening party in London and secondly when she launched The Vintage Patisserie. I knew the minute I met her that she would one day be a huge success as she is driven but never forgets to be herself. In my book that is a path rarely trodden in the design business. Good Luck Angel you deserve it.
the vintage patisserie the dragons den
Watch her pitch here it's a must.


  1. Loved her pitch and style, I wish her all the best, I will definetely be a client!!

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