
Monday, July 19, 2010

The Paris Apartment App - I Just Need An iPhone

paris apartment app for iphone flea markets of paris
My lovely friend Claudia of The Paris Apartment, who I first met back in May in Paris, has created this genius App for the iPhone. I for one know how hard it is to keep all those flea markets and brocantes of Paris in one's head. Claudia I applaud you and don't forget to bring it to Paris when we meet up in September.
I would happily buy an iPhone but live in such a remote place that I can't get a signal. It has huge advantages but in this case a huge disadvantage.
paris apartment app for iphone flea markets of paris
paris apartment app for iphone flea markets of paris


  1. Di, how great is this!! Genius!

    Art by Karena

  2. Everything in France seems like its better, and a french flea market seems like an enchanted treasure hunt!

    dinner, dresses, decor, and dessert

  3. Anonymous2:35 am

    Di, I meant to tell you about it the day we met but we never had enough time alone!
    Can't wait to see you in September and really hang out!


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