
Friday, July 02, 2010

OK, So You Walked All Over Us

happy 4th of july
but there's no need to hold a party every year to celebrate.
Just joking - A Very Happy 4th of July to all my American readers.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hey! What about us Canadian readers, we had Canada Day yesterday!

  3. :) Hope you are well.
    Keep on reading posts about your fab new ventures in blog land. The latest over at my dear Norwegian friend's Beauty Comma.

    Have a fab weekend and enjoy the hot weather. It's all but hot here in Sydney. Am very intimate with my heater! :)

    x Charlotta

  4. The kind and gentle Canadian in me is coming out... How could I be so rude! lol. Now, which Canadianism is appropriate here - _____________?
    A. I'm sorry.
    B. Excuse me.
    C. I apologize.
    D. All of the above!

  5. Thanks Di! I have loved that rug for such a long time, I always love seeing it! Sorry I haven't popped over sooner, I was moving my studio this week and it was nuts, but now I'm finally making the blog rounds and yours looks fabulous! Love the re-do!
    xoxo Mary Jo

  6. i adore that rug. vivienne westwood, isn't it? i have a client who uses it upside down.

  7. Fine!
    I love your blog

  8. haha funny post titel!

  9. lol...well I'm Australian, so maybe you guys walked over us! I'm lovin that rug - it's awesome!


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