
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Being 59

being 59
Today is my birthday and I am now in the last year of my fifties. Celebrate with me, have some
being 59
being 59
The year I was born, 1951, people looked like this but
being 59
in the 1960s things started to change, thankfully. I have been fortunate enough to have lived through some of the most important decades in history. Not everything in my personal life or the World has been good during my time here but it's certainly been interesting and
being 59
being in the company of these ladies, all of whom I can call peers isn't so bad.
being 59
So here's to another 59 which will make me 118. To think, next year I will get a bus pass.


  1. Happy birthday to you.Have a great day .The next year will be the best of your life.
    Greatings from Germany Sabine

  2. Happy happy Birthday! Let's toast to the 118 and the bus pass! Love the new header and it is special being in the company of such great women....
    Hope your day is wonderful!

  3. Happy Birthday! have a great day :)

  4. Happy Happy Happy Birthday DI:) Wishing you the happiest years to come, filling your life with nothing but joy, good health, and good fortune, surrounded by the people you love:) Have a lovely day. Laith from Dubai

  5. I wish you the happiest of days and the happiest of years Di.....Happy Birthday, xxv

  6. Many Many Happy Returns Di!

  7. Happy birthday!


  8. Happy Birthday, I love to see a women living in the now with no regrets
    love all your posts
    a senior fairy

  9. 59! you are still a baby. the nicest thing about getting older is the more you age the more self confident and comfortable you become! Enjoy and happy birthday!

  10. Happy Birthday Di!!!
    Many happy and stylish returns xoxo

  11. Anonymous6:31 pm

    Happy birthday but in the current financial climate I wouldn't rely on the bus pass.

  12. Happy 59th!!!! You're looking good for half way to 118!

  13. rouge7:47 am

    You're pretty fab, and that isn't related to age.

    Happy Birthday Di. Keep on rockin'.

  14. Happy, happy, HAPPY Birthday Di!

  15. Happy Birthday year -- beautiful Di!

    You look fantastic my friend and yes look at all those other gorgeous friends of yours!

    I hope you were celebrated royally!

    A warm hug all the way from Seattle!

    ox, Mon

  16. HAPPY birthday . ENjoy your last year of fifties
    My dad was born the same year

  17. Happy birthday sweetie. Hope to see you when I'm back in UK. See, I'm checking in from the hotel computer!

  18. I hope you celebrated with pure abandonment. Celebrate all year long and then throw yourself an extra special birthday next year. I did.

  19. Happy Birthday Di !
    Looks like you enjoyed the day !
    You are young at heart that is why you do not care about the figures, right ?!
    greetings from Bangkok


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