
Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Pretend You Were With Me

On Saturday we were invited to the 10th Birthday party for VARC - Visual Arts in the Rural Community. Based in the grounds of a fabulous Country House close to our cottage. Come with me............
varc 10th birthday party
First I came face to face with this sheep which I thought was real but on closer inspection it was made from straw, wire and sheep dung. Brilliant!
varc 10th birthday party
It had a pal and
varc 10th birthday party
was in a field with some others. I love art that doesn't have to be explained to me. Inside the barn we drank champagne,
varc 10th birthday party
ate chocolate cake and
varc 10th birthday party
looked up at the ivy clad roof lights. I love this barn.
varc 10th birthday party
A hog was being roast for the evening party. I thought it was an iron lung. I like to see the hog being spun over coals myself and also I couldn't smell it but peeked in the windows and saw it turning.
varc 10th birthday party
Artists are given 1 year residencies at this fabulous place and the best so far has been Imi Maufe who I wrote about on this blog a year or so ago. At her table we had to pick a badge with a number on, sketch our houses on the paper they were attached to then
varc 10th birthday party
stick the number on a map of our area. I love her ideas.
varc 10th birthday party
My friend Jenni was there with her van for entertaining kids. We call her Edie McCredie of Balamory.
varc 10th birthday party
On leaving the party the views of the valley in the late afternoon sun were stunning and
varc 10th birthday party
click on this image to see what this signpost says. It could only be found here.

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