
Tuesday, June 08, 2010

At Last - IKEA Looks Good

new ikea catalogue photography
I don't know about you but I used to feel as tired after looking through an IKEA catalogue as I was after trawling through their store. Thank God they have a new style to their catalogues, so easy on the eye. Now they just need to get those stores sorted.
Photography by Lo Bjurulf. Way to go Lo
new ikea catalogue photography
new ikea catalogue photography
new ikea catalogue photography
new ikea catalogue photography
new ikea catalogue photography


  1. Bit of a departure isn't it?
    Need to get my hands on a copy asap.

  2. Love this! You make Ikea Looks so amazing Di!!

  3. oooh this looks lovely, soft ikea....I'm going to the store.
    Are you coming to Art Tour this weekend, it's Bywell Arts fest too.


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