
Thursday, May 20, 2010

French Wireworks by Catherine Gontier

wire kitchen utensils
Catherine Gontier emailed me the other day and asked if I would take a look at her work. Wow I am so pleased I did. This woman draws something then re-creates it in wire and sometimes even covers the piece with paper and turns it into a light. I find it all charming and so very clever.
I strongly advise clicking on this link to see more of her superb work.
wire birds
wire corset light
wire vest
wire flower


  1. Very beautiful .. .
    I'll second that Wow!


  2. Incredible! That first image is fantastic!

    Happy weekend, dear!

    P.S Hope all is well with lovely you. Ho ho, are you there? Hope I haven't missed something...

  3. Great ideas, so much inspiration!!

  4. I love wirework and have a lot of vintage French wirework. But these are modern and fresh. Fabulous!

  5. Fabulous! I love it!

    xo Mary Jo


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