
Thursday, May 13, 2010

3 Americans and a Blonde

bloggers meeting at merci paris
Photo courtesy of The Paris Apartment and the nice waiter

On Tuesday there was a meeting of minds in the Cafe in Merci Paris. From left to right - Tara Bradford, Moi, Claudia 2 and Claudia 1 of The Paris Apartment. Claudia 2 is a friend of Claudia 1 - are you following this? The air was thick with different accents and gossip. I am sure if it were recorded and put on Youtube it would have the most hits ever.
If you are in a city and can meet up with other bloggers I would highly recommend it. I have never taken so much information in at one meeting in my whole life.
Below 2 pictures taken in Merci before the battery ran out in my camera.
merci paris
a trompe l'oeil door
merci paris
deckchairs announcing Summer


  1. Meeting with bloggers is wonderful , inspiring and interesting. Last time I was in Paris I had the chance to meet american bloggers , it was so great to know their point of views and to share our experiences. I hope Claudia will be abble to come south so we will be abble to meet

  2. Love the Edmond site & I see they're going international - soon.
    Looks like you're having a brilliant time !

  3. Wish I were there! xv

  4. Still don't know why my cheeks and nose look so red in that photo. But what a fun and lively time it was with Claudia 1 and Claudia 2. And of course, spending the day and evening with you was fantastic! As for the Paris traffic woes getting to and from my place, I bet next time Charlotte will suggest taking the train? :) Have fun on all your market hunts! xoxox

  5. OH MY!! BEAUTY So Alive and well I see!! You are all SO SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! How fun Di!!!

  6. So happy you could meet!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Hi Di..

    I have a blogger friend in Paris, that also met Cludia 1 and Cludia 2 last week :-)

    She is Mimi from Bonjour Romance blog.

  8. This looks like so much fun, hope you all came away with much renewed inspiration and friendships.


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