
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Paper Dolls

paper dolls at VDJ boutique france
VDJ Boutique in France have come up with a fabulously innovative way of displaying their designs. These paper cut dolls are presented alongside the designs and are even for sale at 30 Euros a pack. Genius and the clothes are amazing, the sort you see on the children strolling around Paris. So this is where they come from. I just wish they did women's sizes as I would be their best customer.
paper dolls at VDJ boutique france
paper dolls at VDJ boutique france


  1. this takes me back to my childhood - I so adored cut-out doll books and it may be a false memory - but did we not get questions asking what would be the best outfit for different occasions - ie interviews, country wedding etc?

  2. I love this concept, if I could draw I would do the same for my collection.
    I was a twinkle girl as a child and loved the cut out clothes from the magazine, it was not quite as stylish as these clothes though (as you can imagine)

  3. who did not play with paperdolls?
    My sister that's who.
    why she is unbearable...
    I LOVE paperdolls


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