
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Vertical Gardening and My Lost Day

vertical garden at smith and hawken
Some of you may have noticed that there were no posts here at Designers Block yesterday, reason being my body gave up because I had spent 2 days digging builders rubble out of our garden ready to lay some turf and meadow seed. I felt as though I had done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. Decked is the word that comes to mind.
vertical garden at smith and hawken
My garden is sunk into a slope and the cottage has a curved wall around the back and side. I want to have a vertical garden on that wall but can find no one in the UK that supplies a kit like the one pictured here. If I lived in the US I could buy it at Smith and Hawken. I assume vertical gardening doesn't make you ache like I did yesterday.


  1. Di,

    Try these guys:


  2. wow, these vertical gardens photos are great. I hope you can find the kit!

  3. Well I'm sure your hard work will result in a lovely horizontal garden. Perhaps the vertical can come later? xo

  4. I've been wanting to try this .. . as we have rather limited space ... . thanks for directions on where to find them!


  5. You've been digging out rubble? wow, you never cease to amaze! A vertical garden is a fabulous idea, hope you find some ingenious way of making them.

  6. Sooo annoying when that happens.
    Think you can keep going - completely forgetting that you're not the spring chicken you once were! (no offence)
    I've done it.
    Hope you're recovered!

  7. Hi Di,

    Check this one out

    This looked easy enough to recreate.

  8. I hope you find a way to do it. I've been wanting to put one up here but it seems a bit daunting. I think SunsetMagazine website also has instructions on how to do one in such a way that you can easily pull out a dead or dying plant without messing up any of the other succulents.

  9. I've just been down to the Harrogate Spring Flower Show (see my blog posting on and LBS Horticulture had a stand where they were demonstrating their new vertical gardening units called Vertigarden. They can be put together to form all sorts of shapes & sizes so could be what you were looking for. Susie White


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