
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How's This For a Home Page?

funnel design group website
I tell you, if this was my website I would be so proud. Steampunk at its very best and all the little cogs move and all the rolly things do stuff and well just go and see for yourself.. The site belongs to Funnel Design Group in Oklahoma City


  1. If that would be a website then I would say WOW! Nice! Nice design for a home page!=) if you have time pls visit my blog
    imaginative minds

    Thank you so much!=)

  2. What great creativity! Love the look and even LOVE the music! Jjjj

  3. Anonymous1:15 am

    Hey guys, thanks for checking out our site and for the props. Stay in touch for our new one.
    - The funnel team

  4. That is completely brilliant! Good find.


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