
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Killing Time in Longpont

Longpont France
 I love surprises and yesterday I had a very pleasant one. I decided to take a short trip (20 minutes) to Longpont for the simple reason that it looked pretty. Well it was a lot more than pretty it was stunning.
Longpont France
 I walked through a square enclosed at one end by this gorgeous buildng.
Longpont France
A pretty hotel was serving food on the terrace outside so I stopped for lunch. I was given a superb amuse bouche which I was told contained beetroot. It was delicious to be honest I could have eaten a bowl full.
Longpont France
I ordered a simple salad containing avacado, smoked duck and salmon. Delicious. Of course accompanied by a glass of vin rouge.
Longpont France
Along came the local groom and loaded the most beautiful horse I have ever seen. Huge stables are just down the road.
Longpont France
I ordered cafe creme but the milk didn't turn up. Not being a lover of black coffee I wasn't to pleased. However I tasted it and it was perfect. If all black coffee tasted like that I would be a convert. The hot milk did eventually turn up by the way.
Longpont France
The hotel was a typical old French establishment named after the abbey in the village.
Longpont France
A stunning building it is as well.
Longpont France
I wouldn't say no to livng in one of these houses that face it.
Now all this plus 2 types of bread, creamy butter, nuts and fruit, amazing black olives and of course the obligatory bottle of water came to 15 Euros. The view alone was worth that.

1 comment:

  1. Looks beautiful and sounds absolutely delicious. Enjoy xxx


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