
Friday, May 08, 2015

Going It Alone To France

driving to france
Tomorrow I leave for France and for the first time I wil be driving there on my own. A bit daunting I must admit but hey I am quite capable.
french brocante
I am staying with Charlotte and family for 2 weeks. It's brocante season so I will be in my element.
french brocante
I am re-vamping Ghost Furniture to accomodate more French antiques, the sort I usually pass by because they don't need to be brought back to life.
french brocante 
These items are just to good to overlook anymore.
french brocante
I have my shopping list and can't wait to get started.

shopping paris
Charlotte has booked us a couple of days in Paris as she now lives in Picardie.

bastille brocante
The Bastille Antiques Fair is on and just around the corner from oour hotel as is
merci paris
Merci which is my favourite Parisian shop and it's holding an Urban Market during my stay.
french food market
Of course no visit to France should exclude a few trips to the food markets, they do them so well.
french cafe
Stopping for coffee and people watching  is high on the agenda.
merci fiat
My car may look a little like this on my return. AU REVOIR
Click on images for links

1 comment:

  1. France is wonderful with its romantic villages and nice people. The market is the best place to get to know local people.


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