Monday, June 01, 2009

Making a House a Home

a french house in the country
Turning a very empty space into something special

Well I am back home after a very fabulous and productive stay at our daughter Charlotte's house in the countryside outside Paris. Here's the results of my labours.
a french house in the country
The frames are decals/stickers with the addition of real vintage frames
a french house in the country
The table was given to Charlotte by Tara (Paris Parfait) and is beautifully inlaid
a french house in the country
The skeletal vase was a brocante find and was just 1 Euro
a french house in the country
The waste paper bin was also a brocante find for 1 Euro and after a lick of paint looked like a sculpture
a french house in the country
An 1860s French daybed with Charlotte's old school hats

Sit down while I tell you that the fabulous Tara gave Charlotte this 1860s French daybed. I can't tell you how kind she has been to all of us.
a french house in the country
The biggest TV in the world and the wall lights are simply decals/stickers
a french house in the country
Charlotte's dolls house which she has has since she was 3 given a new lick of paint
a french house in the country
A vintage cameo necklace hangs in an Ikea plastic frame above a nest of tables
a french house in the country
The kitchen storage area with repainted cupboards by moi
a french house in the country
Charlotte's bedroom wall displaying a collection of designer bags, handy for storing little bits and pieces
a french house in the country
A part of our cottage wall which Charlotte stenciled when she was 12. The builders thought I was mad for wanting to save it.
a french house in the country
A little detail on the bathroom window ledge
a french house in the country
Charlotte's reading corner. The chair used to sit in one of my shops when I was a knitwear designer back in the 1980s
a french house in the country
The kitchen big enough for a table and chairs. The Tolix chairs loaned to Charlotte by the ever wonderful Tara
a french house in the country
Even more of Tara's gifts. Charlotte is baby sitting the table and chairs and was given the chest of drawers. 2 vintage lamps that used to grace our fireplace in the dining room of our city house and the rocking horse has been with Charlotte since childhood.
a french house in the country
Charlotte just coming down from her bed the morning we left. Be happy Charlotte!


Jan said...

Brilliant job.
Brilliant finds.
Brilliant parents!
Stupid builders - (of course you wanted to preserve Charlotte's stencil)
Think you've earned a rest Di :)

FrenchBlue said...

What a home... filled with so much love and treasures! Love the waste bin and that you salvaged Charlotte's stencil ! She is so lucky to have you! But I know daughters are the real treasures. Did you find anything for you?

studioJudith said...

Just a glorious transformation!
Love your combination of the frames and decals ... . and the bag display is a great idea ... .
Such a good Mom.


Lynne Rutter said...

what a nice mom you and tara are! the place looks lovely!

rochambeau said...

Wow Di! You all worked hard and it really has paid off! It is fresh, elegant, and comfortable all at once. Tara is a generous soul. I'm sure too it will bring her joy to see her things now in there new environment!

Welcome home Di!! And Charlotte, if you are reading this...Your house is divine!!


parisbreakfasts said...

wow wow wow
So many memories tied up in these objects! It's wonderful!
I love all the stories...

Josephine Tale Peddler said...

So much to inspire in that post! I love the decal stickers. The vintage cameo hanging inside the Ikea frame, the collection of designer bags and most of all the dolls house! I do love a big dolls house and when my daughter outgrows hers I plan to use it.
Tara sounds like a friend everybody should have and you, Di are the Mother we all would love!
Whimsical, clever, stylish. elegant and created with love. What more could you want?

Denise Kiggan said...

So good to see the result of all that hard work. What a special time together.

Sea Angels said...

How brave and what a lovely family you are, there is nothing better than that, nothing more special...that is what life is all about. You treasure you !!!
Hugs Lynn xx

Linda Summerfield said...

So many lovely things to see here.

beauty comma said...

Di, you did a seriously fabulous job here! I'm sure your daughter will be happy in her new apartment. I love how you make inexpensive/brocante stuff look like a million dollars... And the stenciled cottage part is so lovely; your builders were mad for _not_ wanting to save it!

Unknown said...

So very chic and orderly--I'm so glad it all turned out beautifully (of course it would!) and all the wonderful personal touches--wishing Charlotte much happiness in her new abode!


Ulla said...

How lovely Di! A true dreamland for wonderful Charlotte! and Tara's treasures look so at home here...