
Friday, May 01, 2009

They Forecast a Long Hot Summer, So.......

a room in the garden
If the forecasters are correct and we get a long hot summer this year I promise I will set up an outdoor room on the green outside my cottage. You can hold me to this.
Love these outdoor rooms via Oak Management and Cabbages and Roses
a room in the garden
a room in the garden
a room in the garden


  1. What a beautiful way to live! I'm dying to see your outdoor living space.

  2. Hope spring and summer are comming because it has been too cold in Provence

  3. It's going to be such a nice weekend I might get my outside room up and running, my favourite thing about summer. When we get one...

  4. I really hope we do get a good summer, I think we all deserve one after the last two summers of rain.
    Look forward to seeing the outdoor room.


  5. It's about time we get a long hot summer, would love to see your outdoor room (it'll be fab)!

  6. Ooh love these. Let's hope they're right..


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