
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hort Couture

hort couture at beholders eye
One of the blogs I follow is Beholder's Eye. Deb is a garden designer and really does hide her light under a bushel. She teased us with this image of Lola who was going to help her win an RHS Silver Medal at The Malvern Spring Gardening Show.

hort couture at beholders eye
Then we were shown a sketch
hort couture at beholders eye
followed by a fantastic card specially designed to be handed out at the show. Love the title - Hort Couture.
hort couture at beholders eye
Lola was presented to us but was still wrapped
hort couture at beholders eye
and then we saw her
hort couture at beholders eye
in all her finery. Congratulations Deb you must be so proud. Take a bow.


  1. Ooh, thanks Di!!

    I was rather chuffed. Lola did me proud


  2. Delightful! Now thats a dress I'd love to wear...

  3. Love this! Would love one in my backyard!

  4. wow, gorgeous! love the name too.


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