Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Two Little Monkeys

Indulge me and look at my two little grandsons Sonny (left) and Billy (right). These two cousins get on so well and love having their photos taken and you never need to tell them to smile. Mind you if I had all those Easter Eggs to go at (see background) I would be smiling.


Jan said...

Now I'm smiling - sweet.

aagh! the word verification says POUT
No I won't!

Ulla said...

Truly adorable! How lucky you are dear Di!

beauty comma said...

Smiling, too =) And I'm not even a kids' person - at least not in my spare time (at work, I need to be and I'm doing fairly well, I've been told)!
They both look like really fun persons. Love the matching outfits!

jackie lewis said...

they are gorgeous sonny is so much like garry when he was little x

Unknown said...



Mélanie said...

Look so cute !!!

babelfish said...

Aww, they're adorable!

corine said...

Those two look like best friends forever. How lucky, not to mention how irresistibly CUTE.

Josephine Tale Peddler said...

They look cheeky! I bet you spoil them rotten! And I bet you're kept slim running after them!