A vintage soap dish fixed to the side of a wall cupboard beside my sink

Bertha my mannequin that has lived with me since 1980

Our wood burning stove, the heart of the home

A corner of the cottage with a little collection of loved items

A piece of old worn silk and fringing

White plaster grapes and peppers in an old Wedgewood bowl

Fake tulips in an ancient jug that came from my great grandparents and two concrete candlesticks

Marble fruit mixed with fake fruit from an old French charcuterie

My big circular mirror found in an architectural salvage yard

My collection of Hermes boxes some containing Hermes scarves

The little antique bronze hand that keeps my mouse cable out of the way

An old enamel lavabo found in the L'Isle sur la Sourge antiques market in Provence

and an old enamel washstand found in the same market

My cooker and the surrounding area, so easy to work in with everything at hand

Our lattice work spiral staircase, the main feature of the cottage and fabulous when the sun shines through it

An antique screen, which I coveted for years, left to me by Harvey's mother

The view from my window, note the brick at the bottom of the picture, the builders are still around
What a wonderful collection of treasures! love the antique screen.
So many special details ... .
what fun to see your Hermes stack!
Your home is as eclectic as you are. You are so right each piece we choose for our homes is indeed a representation of our persona. Thanks for sharing a piece of yourself.
It is so lovely to get a glimpse into your world! Those Hermes boxes are the best!
Very nice orange boxes, hu hu!!Pictures full of charm!
I love your house.
I'm intrigued by how you got the old style NT Wallington sign - is there a story behind it? Susie
You've out marble fruit on the map for me.
You surround yourself with beauty Di!
Love your plaster fruits. I adore plaster!
Thank you for sharing!
I love Bertha, the silk drapes (I'm going to steal that idea) and the view from your house. Divine!
your house is a museum of beautiful pieces of furniture and artworks, love it (that antique screen is to die for).
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