Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Dali and Gaudi Gone But Not Forgotten

dali table bd barcelona
Dali Table - look closely

BD Barcelona gets 10 out of 10 from me for producing pieces originally designed by Dali and Gaudi and keeping them as true to the original as is humanly possible.
dali chair bd barcelona
Dali Chair - look closely again
dali loveseat bd barcelona
Dali Loveseat
dali lamps bd barcelona
Dali Lamps
dali lamps bd barcelona
More Dali Lamps
gaudi door knobs and handles bd barcelona
Gaudi Door Knobs and Handles


Sarthak said...

wonderful they are ! truely arty !

Darci said...

I was lucky enough to be in Barcelona last year and was able to see Gaudi's door handles and knobs up close. He was very interested in ergonomics and all of these pulls and knobs take it into account. Absolute genius!

FrenchBlue said...

This gold chair sits in the lobby of Le Meurice Hotel in Paris!! It is so amazing in person! An inspiration in itself. Thanks for sharing!

Noel Solomon said...

Wow I love that chair.. those fine lines forming such a piece of art.

Nihal said...

Oh my, Dali and Gaudi are inexpressible profiles! Even today I admire their art that features a surrealistic innovative vision. There's lot in their amazing artistry for us. Special thanks as I love this post very much. A few of my friends are also crazy about them, now I shall inform quickly.

Helen-LG said...

those are fantastic, particularly the first table! I don't think I'd be brave enough to take on such famous innovators, big shoes to fill!